Mayday Masters

This is our first tournament of the year and consists of 2 18-hole rounds, Saturday and Sunday, May 25th and 26th, 204. 

Deadline for entries is Saturday, May 18th, 2024 at noon.

The entry fee is $40 per player for this two-day tournament and must be paid when you register. Registration is done in the pro-shop and they will have some entry forms that you can fill out and pay your entry fee (cash or cheque only, no debit, no credit). 

Any entries received after noon on Saturday, May 18th will only be able to get in if we have extra space in our tee times (and we won't guarantee that you are playing with guys in your flight) or there are drop-outs!

The tee times are early in the morning on both days. On Saturday,  the low handicap flights tee off first in a progressive start. On Sunday, the high handicap flights tee off first in a crossover. While we will try to accommodate any request for late and early tee times, there is only so much we can do.

The Mayday Masters is flighted with (ideally) 16 players per flight. Each flight will pay out the top 3 for net and top 3 for gross (for an explanation on how the payouts and tie-breakers are done, click here). Scoring for the Mayday Masters is done with par points. A par (net or gross) is worth 1 point, a birdie is worth 2 points, an eagle is worth 3 points, etc. Anything worse than a par is worth zero points so you don't have to finish a hole if doing so would slow down your group.

In addition to the net and gross prizes, we will also have door prizes. Door prizes are done per flight so your odds of winning something are good. Each flight will have a $50 gift card for the clubhouse drawn as well, to support Dave and Heather in the clubhouse.

Rules for the Mayday Masters are on our website for easy reference at Any rules we have to implement (for course conditions, for example) will be put on this web page. As always, thanks to the late Larry Rywak for doing the rules.

Depending on staffing in the pro-shop, we will try to run a Rooks board. This is basically skins against everyone who joins the rooks board. It costs $10 to join the Rooks board and it must be paid in cash before your round starts. This is, however, optional and you don't need to participate if you don't want to spend the $10. Everyone who wins a rook will split the prize pool.

Everyone will get a coupon for a sit-down meal on Sunday.  All coupons must be redeemed on the day they are issued. If you have dietary restrictions, please let Dave Chan or Heather know and they will try to accommodate you as best they can.

There will be free range balls to warm up with. However, as the driving range has a limited number of stalls, we ask that you limit your warmup so everyone can get a chance to hit some balls before their round starts.